Get real!
Pauline Nordin Pauline's Ramble... Sunday, 21 February 2010
Do this and you will never succeed:
Restart, restart,restart. Did you blow your diet during the friday and thus reason you can just as well keep on thru out the weekend and start over fresh again on monday?
Do you constantly work on your perfect solution which is so perfect you can never ever execute it?
Do you sneak in a special treat (oh it’s just 90 calories) almost every day?
Do you eat a little more because you train so hard?
Is your stomach jiggly because you always have pms 365 days of the year or you’re just fat honestly?
Do you use the bike because it’s easier and you can SIT DOWN and read?
Using machines instead of free weights because the latter are more difficult?
Are you sleeping in and missing your cardio more than once a week?
You refuse to realize your cheat days of all-out-eating will keep you fat?
You truly think you’ve got so much muscle, THAT is why you are thick? Not the fat on top huh?
Nuts are healthy so you eat a few servings a day. And you wonder why you won’t lose weight????
You go by “conventional standards” and thus eat according to what a person in the 50’s ate when being physically active with labor work and all, and you wonder why you are not leaner?
Do you heap on olive oil because it’s healthy fat? Some one told you it is good so you overdo it?
A little snack here and there won’t hurt huh?
You always forget to do cardio, but you do get in your weight training and this is key huh because stimulating the strong muscle mass burns the fat FOR you?….
You could never decrease your calories to get leaner: oh oh, you’d be less strong!!!! scary huh!!!
You don’t lose fat even though you train cardio once a day? Hm, try two times a day for three months and you’ll see…
You give up if you have not leaned out after 7 days.
there are many more ways to get no results, but let’s keep it short.
Why did I laugh at most of these (true...maybe).