Thursday, April 1, 2010

measurement updates!! down down baby!

3-2-10 3-31-10 change in inches
weight 138 weight 127lbs 11lbs

bust 36 bust 34.5 2.5

waist31.5 waist 29 2.5

abs 36.5 abs 33.5 3

hips 38.5 hips 37 1.5

thigh 22 thigh 21.5 . 5

calf 13 calf 13 same

arm 13 arm 12 1

sat 9 weeks out!!! still have alot of work to do need to ick ass in april!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you are blitzing the numbers babe. SOunds like kim has given you a kick-arse plan. Keep it up!
